Geoportal ČÚZK
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Coordinate Reference Systems

Geographical Grid Systems

Geographical Names

Administrative Units


Cadastral Parcels

Transport Networks



Land Use




Cadastral Parcels

Definition: Cadastral parcels including a dual geometry (definition point and a polygon), cadastral units including a dual geometry (definition point and a polygon) and boundaries of cadastral parcels between common boundary points of three cadastral units.

Spatial information are provided using following spatial objects types: CadastralParcel, CadastralZoning and CadastralBoundary..

INSPIRE harmonized series data sets

Dataset for the theme Cadastral Parcels (CP) harmonised according to the INSPIRE Directive and ELF Data Specification version 1.0. Data contains boundaries of cadastral units, parcels and parcel numbers. Dataset is provided as Open Data (licence CC-BY 4.0). Data is based on ISKN (Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates). Data is available only in those cadastral units, where the cadastral map is in digital form - (to the 2025-02-03 it is 99.20% of the Czech territory, i.e. 78 236.55km2). Data is created daily (if any change within the cadastral unit occurs). Data in the GML 3.2.1 format is valid against XML Definition Schema for the theme Cadastral Parcels in version 4.0 and against spatial data scheme for ELF in version 1.0. Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading. More in the Cadastral Act No. 256/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree No. 357/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree on Data Provision No. 357/2013 Coll., as amended and INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1.

Last update: 2025-02-07