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ZABAGED® - Altimetry - contours

Product information
NameZABAGED® - Altimetry - contours
Commercial code633121
Export unitSM 5 map sheet (5 km2)
Unit priceNo charges
Export formatsSHP
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK / Krovak East North, Výškový systém baltský - po vyrovnání
Product descriptionContour lines were derived from the Digital Terrain Model of the Czech Republic of the 5th generation (DMR 5G). The dataset consists of 3 contour feature types with a basic interval of 1 m, which are represented by a three-dimensional vector spatial component with coordinates X, Y, H (H represents an elevation in Baltic Vertical Datum - After Adjustment (Bpv) coordinate reference system, and of an additional layer with fall lines. The dataset can be used as a background for cartographic visualisation of contour lines in the map.
Update cycle - update state The whole dataset is continuously updated The entire data series is continuously updated following the update of the DMR 5G product.
Update state
Conditions applying to access and useNo charges
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
View data Web map application
WMS service
Data download Atom service
Export of a current extent
Pre-defined files download - selection above the map
WFS service
Contact - product informationLand Survey Office, e-mail:
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