Title: | ZABAGED® Feature Catalogue |
Thematic range: | Land Surveying, Cartography, Public Administration, Administrative Division, Land cover, Terrain relief, Buildings, Transport, Hydrology, Energy, Environmental protection, Geomorphology … |
Version: | 4.3 |
Date of issue (approval): | 14. 6. 2024 |
Released by: | Land Survey Office |
Contact: | Phone: +420 284 041 111
Address: Pod sídlištěm 9, 182 00 Praha 8
E-mail: zu.praha@cuzk.cz
Web: http://www.cuzk.cz |
Purpose of the latest change: | Updating of feature types and attributes provided to users by ZABAGED® (Fundamental Base of Geographic Data) |
Reference number: | ZÚ-02286/2024-13600 |
Author: | RNDr. Jana Pressová, Director of ZABAGED® Department |
Web-Version Author: | Content completeness and updates: Mgr. Milada Javůrková
Graphic design and technical solution: Mgr. Antonín Bačo, Ing. Petr Červený |
Guarantor: | RNDr. Jana Pressová, Director of ZABAGED® Department |
Checked by: | Ing. Petr Dvořáček, Director of Land Survey Section |
Approved by: | Ing. Karel Brázdil, CSc., Director General of Land Survey Office |
English translation: | Ing. Václav Slaboch, CSc.
Technical term revision: doc. Ing. Jiří Šíma, CSc. |
Extended web version updated to : 02.07.2024
Contact : Content: Milada Javůrková | e-mail: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 699 | Technical Solution: Antonín Bačo | e-mail: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 677
Contact : Content: Milada Javůrková | e-mail: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 699 | Technical Solution: Antonín Bačo | e-mail: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 677