Feature category: 2. Transport infrastructure
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: ap001
Feature definition:

Road - a terrestrial road included in the category of a road network, with level and non-level crossings. According to their importance, it is divided into roads for motor vehicles, roads class I, II, III.
Motorway - road included in the category of motorway network, directionally divided, with non-level crossing with all other roads. It is divided into motorways class I and II.
Geometric determination of the feature: line - axis of road, motorway
Positional accuracy: mp = 0,5 m
Geometric data source:
aerial survey photos, orthophoto, LLS, field recognition
Descriptive data source:
ŘSD ČR, SDB, Geonames
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
SILNICE VARCHAR2(8) designation of the registered transport route, including directional division
a ... letter of motorway, otherwise numeral
xxxxx ... numeral or space
b ...letter or space
c ...traffic direction (values 1, 2, space)
CISLOUSEKU VARCHAR2(20) the section number of the registered transport route section number of registered transport route compound of initial and final node of the section
PEAZKOM1 VARCHAR2(8) road concurrence 1 axxxxxbc
see SILNICE atribute
PEAZKOM2 VARCHAR2(8) road concurrence 2 axxxxxbc
see SILNICE atribute
PEAZKOM3 VARCHAR2(8) road concurrence 3 axxxxxbc
see SILNICE atribute
PEAZKOM4 VARCHAR2(8) road concurrence 4 axxxxxbc
see SILNICE atribute
class of registered transport route C_TYPSILNICE
ETAH1 VARCHAR2(8) European international road number 1
ETAH2 VARCHAR2(8) European international road number 2
ETAH3 VARCHAR2(8) European international road number 3
ETAH4 VARCHAR2(8) European international road number 4
specified routes including toll fee C_VYM_TAHY
R_INDSIL7 VARCHAR2(8) designation of registered transport route without directional division
roundabout identification C_KRUH_OBJ
traffic directions in the section C_DPR_SMER
JMENO VARCHAR2(100) name transferred from Geonames
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
without restriction
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration - motorway; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - road; photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
2023-01-01: C_TYPSILNICE - class of registered transport route changed from Arabic to Roman numerals C_TYPSILNICE
2023-01-01: F - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (F ( no toll road for motor vehicles (not expressway) -> F (free of toll road for motor vehicles (SMV))
2023-01-01: I - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (I (road tolled by electronic toll system) -> I (other road class I - performance charging (by electronic toll system))
2023-01-01: K - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (K (motorway or expressway tolled time-based and electronicaly) -> K (motorway - time and performance charging (by electronic toll system))
2023-01-01: L - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (L (no toll motorway or expressway) -> L (free of toll motorway))
2023-01-01: O - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (O (motorway or expressway tolled only by electronic toll system) -> O (motorway - performance charging only (by electronic toll system))
2023-01-01: P - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (P (provisionally inserted section that is used) -> P (provisionally inserted section that is used (the code is used for road sections indexed H to Z except N))
2023-01-01: R - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (R (provisionally cancelled section that is used) -> R (provisionally cancelled section that is used (in Prague))
2023-01-01: T - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (T (preliminarily cancelled section that is not used) -> T (preliminarily cancelled section that is not used (the code is used for road sections indexed H to Z except N))
2017-11-01: F - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (F (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N)) -> F (nezpoplatněná silnice pro motorová vozidla (SMV))
2017-11-01: I - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (I (silnice zpoplatněná systémem elektronického mýta) -> I (ostatní silnice 1. třídy - zpoplatnění výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta))
2017-11-01: K - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (K (dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice zpoplatněná časově i systémem elektronického mýta) -> K (dálnice - zpoplatnění časové i výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta))
2017-11-01: T - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (T (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn) -> T (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N))
2017-11-01: L - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (L (nezpoplatněná dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice) -> L (nezpoplatněná dálnice))
2017-11-01: O - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (O (dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice zpoplatněná pouze systémem elektronického mýta) -> O (dálnice - zpoplatnění pouze výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta))
2017-11-01: P - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (P (předběžně vložený tah, který je pojížděn) -> P (předběžně vložený tah, který je pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N))
2017-11-01: R - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (R (předběžně zrušený tah, který je pojížděn) -> R (předběžně zrušený tah, který je pojížděn (v Praze))
2017-11-01: S (provisionally cancelled section that is used (other) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: Q (provisionally inserted section that is not used) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: G (roads for motor vehicles (SMV) - performance charging (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: U (motorway tolled time-based) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 1 (N SMV preliminarily included by the administrative office - no charging) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 2 (N SMV preliminarily included by the administrative office - performance charging (by electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 3 (N 1st class road preliminarily included by the administrative authority - performance charging (by electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 4 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative office - time and performance charging (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 5 (N motorway, preliminary assigned by the administrative authority, toll-free) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 6 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative authority - tolls only for performance (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 7 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative office - time-based toll) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2017-11-01: 0 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (0 (oba dopravní směry) -> 0 (obousměrný úsek))
2017-11-01: 1 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (1 (jen dopravní směr s orientací na úseku) -> 1 (dopravní směr na úseku je souhlasný s orientací úseku))
2017-11-01: 2 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (2 (jen dopravní směr proti orientaci úseku) -> 2 (dopravní směr na úseku je proti orientaci úseku))
2016-04-01: VYM_TAHY - attribute canceled at the feature
2016-04-01: VYM_TAH_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2016-04-01: VYM_TAH_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_VYM_TAHY
2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ - attribute canceled at the feature
2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_KRUH_OBJ
2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_KRUH_OBJ
2016-04-01: DOPR_SMERY - attribute canceled at the feature
2016-04-01: DPR_SMER_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPR_SMĚR
2016-04-01: DPR_SMER_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPR_SMĚR
2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100))
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail: Jana.Pressova@cuzk.gov.cz; tel: +420 284 041 695)
Content Filling: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.gov.cz | Technical Solution: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.gov.cz, Petr.Cerveny@cuzk.gov.cz