2025-01-01: 1.52 CHARGING STATION - DEFINITION POINT (ft_aq220) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2025-01-01: 316 (gardening settlement) - value added to the code list C_TYPZASTAVBY 2025-01-01: 450 (other children's healthcare facilities) - value added to the code list C_DRZAR 2025-01-01: 0 (unknown) - value canceled in code list C_VYZNAM_ZSH
2024-07-01: V03 (private university) - value added to the code list C_VZDELANI 2024-07-01: V04 (foreign university) - value added to the code list C_VZDELANI 2024-07-01: CHP - attribute name changed WATERCOURSE (KODPOVODI -> CHP) 2024-07-01: CHP - form and explanation of attribute changed WATERCOURSE (a-bb-cc-dddd-e-ff -> a-bb-cc-dddd-e-ff-gg) 2024-07-01: 5.20 SPECIAL AREA OF CONSERVATION (ft_fa213) - feature added to category 5. TERRITORIAL UNITS, INCLUDING PROTECTED AREAS 2024-07-01: 5.19 SPECIAL PROTECTION AREA (ft_fa214) - feature added to category 5. TERRITORIAL UNITS, INCLUDING PROTECTED AREAS 2024-07-01: V01 (public university) - value added to the code list C_VZDELANI 2024-07-01: 1.51 FOREIGN DIPLOMATIC MISSION - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc46) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2024-07-01: V02 (state university) - value added to the code list C_VZDELANI 2024-07-01: embassy - value added to the attribute DRUHBUD SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2024-07-01: CHP1 - attribute name changed WATERSHED LINE (KODPOVODI1 -> CHP1) 2024-07-01: CHP2 - attribute name changed WATERSHED LINE (KODPOVODI2 -> CHP2) 2024-07-01: CHP1, CHP2 - attribute subject changed WATERSHED LINE (code of the adjacent river basin -> hydrological sequence number) 2024-07-01: CHP1, CHP2 - form and explanation of attribute changed WATERSHED LINE (a-bb-cc-dddd-e-ff -> a-bb-cc-dddd-e-ff-gg) 2024-01-01: 4.14 SHIP ELEVATOR, LIFT (ft_bi006) - feature added to category 4. WATERS 2024-01-01: 1.07 SEDIMENTATION TANK (USAZOVACÍ NÁDRŽ) - feature removed from category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2024-01-01: DRUH_DOP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DRUH_DOPRAVY FERRY 2024-01-01: DRUH_DOP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DRUH_DOPRAVY FERRY 2024-01-01: 093 (lookout building) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2024-01-01: 0 ( nodetermined) - value canceled in code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2024-01-01: 10 (unspecified water area) - value canceled in code list C_TYP_VP 2024-01-01: 005 (public filling station according to the MPO, only LNG) - value added to the code list C_TYPCS 2024-01-01: 103 (specialized hospital) - value added to the code list C_DRZAR 2024-01-01: 104 (psychiatric hospital) - value added to the code list C_DRZAR 2024-01-01: 305 (assisted reproduction center) - value added to the code list C_DRZAR 2024-01-01: GEOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE FEATURE - canceled type perimeter line GRAIN SILO 2024-01-01: GEOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE FEATURE - canceled type point ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK 2024-01-01: SIRKA - attribute added to the feature LOCK
2023-01-01: C_TYPSILNICE - class of registered transport route changed from Arabic to Roman numerals C_TYPSILNICE 2023-01-01: 418 (police compound) - value added to the code list C_TYPZASTAVBY 2023-01-01: 1.50 POLICE STATION - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc36) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2023-01-01: 2.16 BORDER CROSSING, CONNECTION ACROSS THE BORDER (ft_fa125) - feature added to category 2. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 2023-01-01: A (footbridge) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2023-01-01: 301 (association of outpatient facilities – large) - code description in the code list changed C_DRZAR (301 (association of outpatient facilities - large) -> 301 (provider of outpatient services (over 5 disciplines)) 2023-01-01: 8 (relieving services) - value added to the code list C_DRSOZA 2023-01-01: B (B point type) - code description in the code list changed C_CHAR_UZL (B (B point type) -> B (district administrative boundary)) 2023-01-01: F - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (F ( no toll road for motor vehicles (not expressway) -> F (free of toll road for motor vehicles (SMV)) 2023-01-01: A (footbridge) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2023-01-01: police station - value added to the attribute DRUHBUD SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2023-01-01: 301 (association of outpatient facilities – small) - code description in the code list changed C_DRZAR (302 (association of outpatient facilities - small) -> 302 (provider of outpatient services (up to 5 disciplines)) 2023-01-01: I - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (I (road tolled by electronic toll system) -> I (other road class I - performance charging (by electronic toll system)) 2023-01-01: E (road class II) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2023-01-01: E (road class II) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2023-01-01: F (road class III) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2023-01-01: K - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (K (motorway or expressway tolled time-based and electronicaly) -> K (motorway - time and performance charging (by electronic toll system)) 2023-01-01: F (road class III) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2023-01-01: L - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (L (no toll motorway or expressway) -> L (free of toll motorway)) 2023-01-01: I (road class I) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2023-01-01: I (road class I) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2023-01-01: O - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (O (motorway or expressway tolled only by electronic toll system) -> O (motorway - performance charging only (by electronic toll system)) 2023-01-01: P - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (P (provisionally inserted section that is used) -> P (provisionally inserted section that is used (the code is used for road sections indexed H to Z except N)) 2023-01-01: R - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (R (provisionally cancelled section that is used) -> R (provisionally cancelled section that is used (in Prague)) 2023-01-01: T - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (T (preliminarily cancelled section that is not used) -> T (preliminarily cancelled section that is not used (the code is used for road sections indexed H to Z except N))
2022-04-01: ZOBRAZ_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZOBRAZVRSTEVNICE CONTOUR LINE 2022-04-01: ZOBRAZ_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZOBRAZVRSTEVNICE CONTOUR LINE 2022-04-01: TYP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPVRSTEVNICE CONTOUR LINE 2022-04-01: TYP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPVRSTEVNICE CONTOUR LINE 2022-01-01: TYP_PUDY_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_PUDY ORCHARD, GARDEN 2022-01-01: TYP_PUDY_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_PUDY ORCHARD, GARDEN 2022-01-01: ZOT (retaining wall over the terrain) - value canceled in code list C_TYP_ZDI 2022-01-01: 417 (fire station, fire house) - value added to the code list C_TYPZASTAVBY 2022-01-01: 1.49 FIRE STATION, FIRE HOUSE - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc45) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2022-01-01: 2.35 RAILWAY TURNTABLE, TRAVERSER (ft_an075) - feature added to category 2. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 2022-01-01: 2.36 BARRIER (ft_ap041) - feature added to category 2. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 2022-01-01: TYP_PUDY_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_PUDY ARABLE LAND AND OTHER UNSPECIFIED GROUNDS 2022-01-01: TYP_PUDY_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_PUDY ARABLE LAND AND OTHER UNSPECIFIED GROUNDS 2022-01-01: fire station, fire house - value added to the attribute DRUHBUD SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2022-01-01: ASNS ( automated snow gauge station) - value added to the code list C_TYPMETEO 2022-01-01: AMS3 (automated meteorological station without operator) - value added to the code list C_TYPMETEO
2020-03-01: Size restrictions - descriptive information added to all features2020-03-01: Positional accuracy - former term Geometrical accuracy changed to term Positional accuracy 2020-03-01: Positional accuracy - former descriptive values A, B, C, D changed to positional error (mp) values to all features 2020-03-01: 215 (school facility) - value added to the code list C_TYPZASTAVBY 2020-03-01: 315 (amusement park) - value added to the code list C_TYPZASTAVBY 2020-03-01: 125 ( street non-existent in the terrain) - value added to the code list C_TYPULICE 2020-03-01: 225 ( pedestrian type street) - value added to the code list C_TYPULICE 2020-03-01: PL (surface) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM (PL (surface cableway) -> PL (surface)) 2020-03-01: V (suspension) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM (V (suspended cableway) -> V (suspension)) 2020-03-01: PP (underground) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM 2020-03-01: L (ski lift) - value canceled in code list C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM 2020-03-01: TYP_LDV_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_LDV CABLEWAY, SKI LIFT 2020-03-01: TYP_LDV_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_LDV CABLEWAY, SKI LIFT 2020-03-01: CHAR_BROD_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_BRODU FORD 2020-03-01: CHAR_BROD_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_BRODU FORD 2020-03-01: UROVENHEL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_UROVENHEL HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: UROVENHEL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_UROVENHEL HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: POVRTLOF_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: POVRTLOF_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: SIRKAFATO - attribute added to the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: NADZEMNÍ ZÁSOBNÍ NÁDRŽ - feature name changed ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK (Anglicky -VÁLCOVÁ NÁDRŽ, ZÁSOBNÍK -> NADZEMNÍ ZÁSOBNÍ NÁDRŽ) 2020-03-01: DELKAFATO - attribute added to the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: TYPFATO_K - attribute added to the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: TYPFATO_P - attribute added to the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: POVRFATO_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: POVRFATO_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: ZPEVTLOF_K - attribute canceled at the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: ZPEVTLOF_P - attribute canceled at the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: VYVYSENI - attribute canceled at the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2020-03-01: C_HELNOCNI - code list changed in attribute NOCNI C_HELNOCNI (C_ANONE -> C_HELNOCNI) 2020-03-01: TYPCEVT_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPCEVT WATERCOURSE 2020-03-01: TYPCEVT_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPCEVT WATERCOURSE 2020-03-01: TYP_VP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_VP WATER AREA 2020-03-01: TYP_VP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_VP WATER AREA 2020-03-01: 1.44 CHATEAU (ft_al371) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.45 TOWER-LIKE BUILDING (ft_al220) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.46 GRANDSTAND (ft_ak110) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.47 COVERED BUILDING FEATURE (ft_al250) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.48 GROUND TANK (ft_bh041) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.43 CASTLE (ft_al375) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2020-03-01: 1.09 SHED, GREENHOUSE, PLASTIC GREENHOUSE, SHELTER (ft_al019) - feature name changed SHED, GREENHOUSE, PLASTIC GREENHOUSE, SHELTER (SHED, GREENHOUSE, PLASTIC GREENHOUSE -> SHED, GREENHOUSE, PLASTIC GREENHOUSE, SHELTER) 2020-03-01: TYPZED_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_ZDI WALL 2020-03-01: PODTYPOB_K - attribute added to the feature RUINS 2020-03-01: 1.03 TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING (ft_al018) - feature name changed TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING (TOWER-LIKE BUILDING, OTHER TOWER SUPERSTRUCTURE -> TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING) 2020-03-01: 016 - (isolated tower) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU (016 ( other tower superstructure) -> 016 (isolated tower)) 2020-03-01: PODTYPOB_P - attribute added to the feature RUINS 2020-03-01: TYPZED_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_ZDI WALL 2020-03-01: P (shelter) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2020-03-01: 017 (church tower) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2020-03-01: educational facility - value added to the attribute DRUHBUD SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2020-03-01: amusement park - value added to the attribute DRUHBUD SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2020-03-01: 018 - (chapel tower) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2020-03-01: 019 (other tower superstructure) - value added to the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU
2018-04-01: 5.13 DEFINITION POINT OF A PART OF MUNICIPALITY (ft_sb003) - feature added to category 5. TERRITORIAL UNITS, INCLUDING PROTECTED AREAS 2018-03-01: C_TYPUSKOM_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM TRAIL 2018-03-01: C_TYPUSKOM_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPUSEKUKOM TRAIL 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU TRAIL 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU TRAIL 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPCESTY CART TRACK 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPCESTY CART TRACK 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature POWER LINE MAST 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY POWER LINE MAST 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY POWER LINE MAST 2018-03-01: 6.16 FOREST GROUND WITH TREES CATEGORIZED (ft_ec016) - feature added to category 6. VEGETATION AND GROUNDS 2018-03-01: KOD_ICAO - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_HELIPORT HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2018-03-01: UPRESHEL - attribute added to the feature HELIPORT, HELIPAD 2018-03-01: TYP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPARKOVISTE PARKING, REST AREA 2018-03-01: TYP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPARKOVISTE PARKING, REST AREA 2018-03-01: NAZEV - attribute added to the feature PARKING, REST AREA 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU CART TRACK 2018-03-01: C_POVRCH_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPPOVRCHU CART TRACK 2018-03-01: 1.39 HOSPITAL - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc22) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2018-03-01: 1.40 MEDICAL FACILITY - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc23) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2018-03-01: 1.41 SOCIAL FACILITY - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc21) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature FACTORY CHIMNEY, SMOKESTACK 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY FACTORY CHIMNEY, SMOKESTACK 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY FACTORY CHIMNEY, SMOKESTACK 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature COOLING TOWER 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY COOLING TOWER 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY COOLING TOWER 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature GRAIN SILO 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY GRAIN SILO 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY GRAIN SILO 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature WATER RESERVOIR TOWER 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY WATER RESERVOIR TOWER 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY WATER RESERVOIR TOWER 2018-03-01: VYSKA_OBJ - attribute added to the feature WIND ENGINE 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY WIND ENGINE 2018-03-01: ZDROJVYS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_ZDROJ_VYSKY WIND ENGINE 2018-03-01: ICO - attribute canceled at the feature SCHOOL - DEFINITION POINT 2018-03-01: REDNAZEV - attribute canceled at the feature SCHOOL - DEFINITION POINT 2018-03-01: ID_RUIAN - attribute added to the feature SCHOOL - DEFINITION POINT 2018-03-01: 1.42 EDUCATIONAL FACILITY - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc25) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES
2017-11-01: T (tram track) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2017-11-01: U (tram track+road) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2017-11-01: C (watercourse+bio corridor) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2017-11-01: G (watercourse+local transport route) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2017-11-01: H (watercourse+railway+road) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2017-11-01: T (tram track) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2017-11-01: U (tram track+road) - value added to the code list C_PREVED 2017-11-01: 4.13 FLOOD WATER RESERVOIR (ft_bi044) - feature added to category 4. WATERS 2017-11-01: 1.38 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc32) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2017-11-01: B (bod typu B) - value added to the code list C_CHAR_UZL 2017-11-01: C (watercourse+bio corridor) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2017-11-01: G (watercourse+local transport route) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2017-11-01: H (watercourse+railway+road) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST 2017-11-01: F - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (F (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N)) -> F (nezpoplatněná silnice pro motorová vozidla (SMV)) 2017-11-01: I - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (I (silnice zpoplatněná systémem elektronického mýta) -> I (ostatní silnice 1. třídy - zpoplatnění výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta)) 2017-11-01: T - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (T (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn) -> T (předběžně zrušený tah, který není pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N)) 2017-11-01: K - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (K (dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice zpoplatněná časově i systémem elektronického mýta) -> K (dálnice - zpoplatnění časové i výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta)) 2017-11-01: L - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (L (nezpoplatněná dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice) -> L (nezpoplatněná dálnice)) 2017-11-01: O - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (O (dálnice nebo rychlostní silnice zpoplatněná pouze systémem elektronického mýta) -> O (dálnice - zpoplatnění pouze výkonové (systémem elektronického mýta)) 2017-11-01: P - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (P (předběžně vložený tah, který je pojížděn) -> P (předběžně vložený tah, který je pojížděn (kód pro úseky silnic s indexem „H až Z s výjimkou N)) 2017-11-01: R - code description in the code list changed C_VYM_TAHY (R (předběžně zrušený tah, který je pojížděn) -> R (předběžně zrušený tah, který je pojížděn (v Praze)) 2017-11-01: SPP (independent post office partner) - value added to the code list C_TYPPOSTY 2017-11-01: AKS ( automated climatological station) - value added to the code list C_TYPMETEO 2017-11-01: S (provisionally cancelled section that is used (other) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: Q (provisionally inserted section that is not used) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: G (roads for motor vehicles (SMV) - performance charging (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: U (motorway tolled time-based) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 1 (N SMV preliminarily included by the administrative office - no charging) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 2 (N SMV preliminarily included by the administrative office - performance charging (by electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 3 (N 1st class road preliminarily included by the administrative authority - performance charging (by electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 4 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative office - time and performance charging (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 5 (N motorway, preliminary assigned by the administrative authority, toll-free) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 6 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative authority - tolls only for performance (electronic toll system) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 7 (N motorway preliminary assigned by the administrative office - time-based toll) - value added to the code list C_VYM_TAHY 2017-11-01: 0 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (0 (oba dopravní směry) -> 0 (obousměrný úsek)) 2017-11-01: 1 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (1 (jen dopravní směr s orientací na úseku) -> 1 (dopravní směr na úseku je souhlasný s orientací úseku)) 2017-11-01: 2 - code description in the code list changed C_DPR_SMER (2 (jen dopravní směr proti orientaci úseku) -> 2 (dopravní směr na úseku je proti orientaci úseku))
2016-04-28: MAPNO - attribute canceled at the feature CONTOUR LINE 2016-04-28: 7.04 ELEVATION POINT OF TERRAIN RELIEF (ft_ca031) - feature added to category 7. TERRAIN RELIEF 2016-04-28: 7.05 ELEVATION POINT OF TERRAIN SURFACE (ft_ca033) - feature added to category 7. TERRAIN RELIEF 2016-04-28: 7.02 CONTOUR LINE (ft_ca010) - feature name and content changed CONTOUR LINE (Basic contour line -> Contour line) 2016-04-28: TYP - attribute canceled at the feature CONTOUR LINE 2016-04-28: ft_ca011 - feature removed from category 7. TERRAIN RELIEF (7.03 Vrstevnice zdůrazněná -> ) 2016-04-28: ft_ca012 - feature removed from category 7. TERRAIN RELIEF (7.04 Vrstevnice doplňková -> ) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed RAILWAY TRACK (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed RAILWAY SIDING (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed FORD (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed UNREGISTERED ROAD (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed POWER STATION (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SOURCE OF UNDERGROUND WATER (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WATERCOURSE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed ANCHORAGE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WATERFALL (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed DAM, WEIR (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed LOCK (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed AQUEDUCT, INVERTED SIPHON (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WATER AREA (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed MARSH, BOG (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SIGNIFICANT OR LONELY TREE, GROVE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed PEATBOG (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed ROCK FORMS (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed CAVE MOUTH (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SOLITARY BOULDER, ROCK, ROCK HUMP (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed GROUP OF BOULDERS (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: 5.17 MINING AREA (*) (ft_aa000) - feature added to category 5. TERRITORIAL UNITS, INCLUDING PROTECTED AREAS 2016-04-01: ft_ac030 - feature name and content changed (SEDIMENTATION TANK, SLUDGE LAGOON -> SEDIMENTATION TANK) 2016-04-01: PODTYPOB_K - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2016-04-01: PODTYPOB_P - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU 2016-04-01: 1.08 STORING PLACE (ft_am040) - feature name and content changed STORING PLACE (MOUND, WASTE DUMP -> STORING PLACE) 2016-04-01: PODTYPOB_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU STORING PLACE 2016-04-01: PODTYPOB_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU STORING PLACE 2016-04-01: TYPDOMCISLA - attribute canceled at the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: TDOMCIS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TDOMCIS DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: TDOMCIS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TDOMCIS DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: DRUHPARCIS - attribute canceled at the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: DPARCIS_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPARCIS DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: DPARCIS_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPARCIS DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2016-04-01: 1.35 FILLING STATION - DEFINITION POINT (ft_aq170) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2016-04-01: VYM_TAHY - attribute canceled at the feature ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: VYM_TAH_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_VYM_TAHY ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: VYM_TAH_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_VYM_TAHY ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ - attribute canceled at the feature ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_KRUH_OBJ ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: KRUH_OBJ_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_KRUH_OBJ ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: DOPR_SMERY - attribute canceled at the feature ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: DPR_SMER_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPR_SMĚR ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: DPR_SMER_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_DPR_SMĚR ROAD, MOTORWAY 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZLU - attribute canceled at the feature NON-LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL NON-LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL NON-LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZLU - attribute canceled at the feature UBU LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL UBU LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL UBU LEVEL CROSSING 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZLU - attribute canceled at the feature ROAD NETWORK NODAL POINT (OTHER) 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL ROAD NETWORK NODAL POINT (OTHER) 2016-04-01: CHAR_UZL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_CHAR_UZL ROAD NETWORK NODAL POINT (OTHER) 2016-04-01: PREDM_PREM - attribute canceled at the feature BRIDGE 2016-04-01: C_PREMOST_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREMOST u objektu BRIDGE 2016-04-01: C_PREMOST_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREMOST u objektu BRIDGE 2016-04-01: P_MAT_NK1 - attribute canceled at the feature BRIDGE 2016-04-01: C_MATERIAL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_MATERIAL BRIDGE 2016-04-01: C_MATERIAL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_MATERIAL BRIDGE 2016-04-01: PREDM_PREV - attribute canceled at the feature UNDERPASS 2016-04-01: C_PREVED_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREVED UNDERPASS 2016-04-01: C_PREVED_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREVED UNDERPASS 2016-04-01: TYPPRE_K - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_TYPPREJEZDU LEVEL RAILWAY CROSSING 2016-04-01: TYPPRE_P - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_TYPPREJEZDU LEVEL RAILWAY CROSSING 2016-04-01: ZABEZP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPZABEZPECENI LEVEL RAILWAY CROSSING 2016-04-01: ZABEZP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYPZABEZPECENI LEVEL RAILWAY CROSSING 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed TOWER, TOWER-LIKE BUILDING (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: 012 (other alternatives) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (001 (water power station) -> 012 ( other alternatives)) 2016-04-01: USEK_ID - attribute added to the feature WATERCOURSE 2016-04-01: KODKU1 - attribute added to the feature BOUNDARY OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT AND CADASTRE UNIT 2016-04-01: KODKU2 - attribute added to the feature BOUNDARY OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT AND CADASTRE UNIT 2016-04-01: 5.18 PROTECTED DEPOSIT AREA *) (ft_fa230) - feature added to category 5. TERRITORIAL UNITS, INCLUDING PROTECTED AREAS 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed STORING PLACE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SHED, GREENHOUSE, PLASTIC GREENHOUSE, SHELTER (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed FACTORY CHIMNEY, SMOKESTACK (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WATER RESERVOIR TOWER (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed DUMP (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WINDMILL (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed RUINS (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed MOUND, MONUMENT, GRAVESTONE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed CROSS, COLUMN OF CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed RAMPART, BANK, BASTION, FORTIFICATION (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed WALL (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed CEMETERY (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed AREA OF FUNCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed BUNKER (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed ROAD, MOTORWAY (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed CART TRACK (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed TRAIL (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed BRIDGE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed FOOTBRIDGE (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed FERRY (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed TUNNEL (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SURFACE MINING, QUARRY (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: 1.05 MINING TOWER (ft_aa040) - feature name changed MINING TOWER (Těžní, ropná věž -> Těžní věž) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed SHAFT MOUTH, GALLERY MOUTH (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: 001 (water) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (001 (water power station) -> 001 (water)) 2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed MINING TOWER (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100)) 2016-04-01: C_DRUHTEZBY - values in the code list changed SHAFT MOUTH, GALLERY MOUTH 2016-04-01: C_DRUHTEZBY - values in the code list changed SURFACE MINING, QUARRY 2016-04-01: 002 (nuclear) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (002 (nuclear power station) -> 002 (nuclear)) 2016-04-01: 003 (solar) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (003 (solar power station) -> 003 (solar)) 2016-04-01: C_DRUHTEZBY - values in the code list changed MINING TOWER 2016-04-01: 13 (brick clay) - code description in the code list changed C_DRUHTEZBY (13 (clay) -> 13 (brick clay)) 2016-04-01: 005 (wind) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (005 (wind power station) -> 005 (wind)) 2016-04-01: DRUHBUD - attribute added to the feature SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2016-04-01: 008 (vapour) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (008 (vapour power station) -> 008 (vapour)) 2016-04-01: 27 (ores, radioactive raw materials) - code description in the code list changed C_DRUHTEZBY (27 (ores) -> 27 (ores, radioactive raw materials)) 2016-04-01: 37 (ceramic materials) - value added to the code list C_DRUHTEZBY 2016-04-01: 009 (combined-cycle) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (009 (combined-cycle power station) -> 009 (combined-cycle)) 2016-04-01: DRUHBUD_K - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_DRUHBUDOVY SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2016-04-01: DRUHBUD_P - attribute canceled at the feature along with the code list C_DRUHBUDOVY SINGLE BUILDING OR BLOCK OF BUILDINGS 2016-04-01: 010 (gas combustion) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (010 (gas combustion power station) -> 010 (gas combustion)) 2016-04-01: 38 (limestone, dolomite) - value added to the code list C_DRUHTEZBY 2016-04-01: 011 (pumped-storage) - code description in the code list changed C_PODTYPOBJEKTUSITE (011 (pumped-storage power station) -> 011 (pumped-storage)) 2016-04-01: 39 (other non-metal ores) - value added to the code list C_DRUHTEZBY 2016-03-01: 1.36 METEOROLOGICAL STATION - DEFINITION POINT (ft_res04) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES
2015-08-26: 527 (krytý bazén + sportovní hala) - value added to the code list C_DRUHBUDOVY 2015-04-28: 526 (nemocnice + pošta) - value added to the code list C_DRUHBUDOVY 2015-03-20: 525 (kostel + muzeum) - value added to the code list C_DRUHBUDOVY 2015-01-23: ARP - attribute added to the feature AIRPORT 2015-01-23: NAPETI - attribute data type changed POWER LINE (VARCHAR2(5) -> VARCHAR2(11)) 2015-01-23: PARCELNIDIL - attribute canceled at the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2015-01-23: IDOB - attribute canceled at the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2015-01-23: NAZEV - attribute data type changed POWER LINE (VARCHAR2(30) -> VARCHAR2(50)) 2015-01-23: IDADR - attribute canceled at the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2015-01-23: DETAILNI_TEA_KOD - attribute added to the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE 2015-01-23: SOI_KOD - attribute added to the feature DEFINITION POINT OF ADDRESS PLACE
2014-02-07: 1.33 SCHOOL - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc26) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES 2014-02-07: 1.34 POST OFFICE - DEFINITION POINT (ft_fuc34) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES
2013-04-19: 1.32 BUNKER (ft_am060) - feature added to category 1. SETTLEMENT, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES |
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail:; tel: +420 284 041 695)
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Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail:; tel: +420 284 041 695)
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