Feature category: 7. Terrain relief
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: db210
Feature definition:

Landslide - relatively slow short-term movement of rock and weather masses due to gravity according to one or more shear surfaces; the resulting formation is a landslide.
Debris - weathered rock fragments of various sizes caused by mechanical weathering of rocks and accumulated under rock walls; the resulting formations are dust, rubble cones, etc.
Geometric determination of the feature:
perimeter line
Positional accuracy: mp = 10,0 m
Geometric data source: aerial survey photos, ortophoto, field recognition
Descriptive data source:
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
area > 1 000 m2
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail: Jana.Pressova@cuzk.gov.cz; tel: +420 284 041 695)
Content Filling: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.gov.cz | Technical Solution: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.gov.cz, Petr.Cerveny@cuzk.gov.cz