Feature category: 1. Settlement, economic and cultural features
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: al200
Feature definition:

Chateau ruin - an abandoned and unused historical building of the chateau, which is preserved in an incomplete condition caused by gradual decay with the participation of natural influences or deliberate demolition and which is listed in the NPÚ List of Immovable Cultural Monuments.
Castle ruin - an abandoned and unsued historical building of the castle, which is preserved in an incomplete condition caused by gradual decay with the participation of natural influences or deliberate demolition and which is listed in the NPÚ List of Immovable Cultural Monuments.
Other ruin - an abandoned and unused historical building (especially church, chapel, monastery, fortress), which is preserved in an incomplete condition caused by gradual decay with the participation of natural influences or deliberate demolition.
Ruin - a partially ruined, abandoned and unused building (or the remains of a ruined building), which is not a historic building.
Geometric determination of the feature:
perimeter line
Positional accuracy: mp = 5,0 m
Geometric data source:
aerial survey photos, orthophoto, field recognition, ISKN
Descriptive data source: field recognition, Geonames
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
building feature subtype
(semantic values of attribute will be gradually filled in)
JMENO VARCHAR2(100) name transferred from Geonames
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
area of significant ruins ≥ 16 m2
other ruins: area ≥ 70 m2
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration - other ruins (code Z); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - ruins (code R); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - ruins of castle (code ZH); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - ruins (code R); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - ruins of castle (code ZH); photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
2024-01-01: 0 ( nodetermined) - value canceled in code list C_PODTYPSTAVOBJEKTU
2020-03-01: PODTYPOB_K - attribute added to the feature
2020-03-01: PODTYPOB_P - attribute added to the feature
2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100))
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail: Jana.Pressova@cuzk.gov.cz; tel: +420 284 041 695)
Content Filling: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.gov.cz | Technical Solution: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.gov.cz, Petr.Cerveny@cuzk.gov.cz