The purpose of this document is to provide ZABAGED® users with basic information on the ZABAGED® data model and its data content.
The Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED®) - is a vector digital geographical model of the territory of the Czech Republic, which is administrated by the Land Survey Office in the public interest.
ZABAGED® is a part of the Public Administration Information Systém according to Act No. 200/1994 Coll., On Land Surveying and amendments to certain acts related to its implementation, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Land Surveying Act”). The content and subject of the ZABAGED® administration is determined by Decree No. 31/1995 Coll., which implements the Land Surveying Act. ZABAGED® is also the source of selected information for the INSPIRE data structure. To ensure the requirement of Article 10(2) of Directive 2007/2 / EC (INSPIRE), uniformity of state border representation and continuity of important infrastructure elements between ZABAGED® and similar geographical databases of neighbouring countries is gradually ensured. In 2013, the equalization of intercourses with the ATKIS database for the neighbouring federal states of Saxony and Bavaria was completed, and the harmonization of geographical elements with other neighbouring states is continuing.
ZABAGED® has the character of a geographical information system integrating the spatial component of vector graphics with topological relations of features and the attribute component containing descriptions and other qualitative and quantitative information about individual geographical features. ZABAGED® content consists of 143 basic types of geographical features divided into eight thematic categories and more than 400 types of descriptive attributes. The topographical part contains two-dimensional (2D) spatial and descriptive information about settlements, transport infrastructure, distribution networks and product pipelines, waters, territorial units and protected areas, vegetation and grounds and about elements of terrain relief. Selected data on survey control points in the Czech Republic are also included. The hypsometric part contains three-dimensional (3D) elements of the terrain is represented by spatial 3D sets of contours, elevation points of the terrain and the surface.
The features are regularly updated based on Earth remote sensing data, from publicly available sources on the Internet, on investigation of selected information at local public authorities and a field inspection. Special importance is also put on the use of outputs from public administration information systems. Selected feature types are updated continuously in cooperation with the primary administrators of this data. In particular, these are updates of the road network in cooperation with the Directorate of Roads and Motorways of the Czech Republic (ØSD ÈR), updates the railway network in cooperation with the Railway Administration, state organization (formerly SŽDC), cooperation with the Territorial Identification Information System (ISÚI) to process the street network according to municipalities, use of Real Estate Cadastre Information System (ISKN) data for updating buildings and Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RÚIAN) for updating definition points of address places and of administrative and cadastral units. Registers managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT ÈR), fuel filling stations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO ÈR), lists of licensed power plants managed by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) and data of the Nature Conservation Agency (AOPK ÈR) on protected areas. Air traffic information (airports, heliports, runways) is taken from Air Navigation Services. Cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office (ÈSÚ) on updating the definition points of administrative units and with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ÈHMÚ) on the management of the watersheds network has been ongoing for a long time, and data on meteorological stations are now being obtained. The list of post offices, which is managed by the Czech Post (Èeská pošta, s.p.) is also used. A procedure for joint updating of the watercourse network is being prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture (MZe ÈR), the Ministry of the Environment (MŽP ÈR) and the Land Survey Office. Cooperation with infrastructure administrators from the private sector (ÈEPS a.s., EG.D, s.r.o.) is also gradually developing. Some types of features contain so called identifiers in the attribute part, which is the integration key for finding out more detailed data about the geographical feature in the database of the primary data administrator. This creates the preconditions for the integration of ZABAGED® within the Public Administration Information system.
Due to the content and geometric inconsistency of information provided by individual primary administrators of geographical data, the Land Survey Office ensures their harmonization so that ZABAGED® forms a comprehensive topologically harmonized geographical model of the territory of the Czech Republic.
An overview, basic definitions and monitored characteristics of ZABAGED® features are presented in this Catalogue of ZABAGED® features (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue). The structure of the Catalogue and the names of individual items correspond to the structure of data stored in the ZABAGED® information system in the Land Survey Office. Item names may differ slightly in real data due to the implementation of data formats in different export files.
ZABAGED® data is offered to users in the form of the following products (or user-defined data selections can be provided).
ZABAGED® - Planimetry. 140 types of geographical features, settlements, transport infrastructure, distribution networks and product pipelines, waters, territorial units and protected areas, vegetation and grounds, terrain and selected data on survey control points. Features are represented by a two-dimensional vector spatial component and a descriptive component, containing qualitative and quantitative information about features.
ZABAGED® - Hypsometry – Contours. Contour lines generated from the Digital Terrain Model (DMR 5G). Data set is formed by contour lines with 1 m basic interval, thickened contours with 5 m interval are distinguished by an attribute; data set is completed with auxiliary contour lines with 0,5 m interval in the plain country.
ZABAGED® - Hypsometry - DMR 4G. The 4th generation digital terrain model of the Czech Republic represents the natural or man-made surface in the digital form of elevations of discrete points in a regular network (5 x 5 m) of points with X, Y, H coordinates, where H represents elevation with total mean elevation error of 0.3 m in open terrain and 1 m in wooded terrain. The model has been created from data obtained by the method of airborne laser scanning of the territory of the Czech Republic.
ZABAGED® - Hypsometry - DMR 5G. The 5th generation digital terrain model of the Czech Republic represents the natural or man-made earth surface in digital form represented by elevations of discrete points in an Irregular triangular network (TIN) of X, Y, H coordinates, where H represents elevation with total elevation error of 0.18 m in open terrain and 0.3 m in wooded terrain. The model has been created from data obtained by the method of airborne laser scanning of the territory of the Czech Republic.
ZABAGED® - Hypsometry - DMP 1G. The 1st generation digital surface model of the Czech Republic represents the territory including buildings and vegetation cover in the form of an irregular network of elevation points (TIN) with a total mean error of 0.4 m for precisely defined features (buildings) and 0.7 m for precisely unbounded features (forests and other elements of vegetation cover).The model has been created from data obtained by the method of airborne laser scanning of the territory of the Czech Republic.
INSPIRE - Hydrography. Vector data set water areas of the Czech Republic, harmonized according to the INSPIRE implementing rules and created in a unified form within the whole of Europe.
INSPIRE - Transport networks. Vector data set of transport networks of the Czech Republic harmonized according to INSPIRE implementing rules and created in a unified form within the whole of Europe.
INSPIRE - Elevation above sea level GRID. Altitude raster data set of the Czech Republic harmonized according to the INSPIRE implementing rules and created in a unified form within the whole of Europe.
INSPIRE - Elevation above sea level TIN. Vector data set altitudes of the Czech Republic harmonized according to the INSPIRE implementing rules and created in a unified form within the whole of Europe.
In accordance with Government Decree No. 430/2006 Coll., On the determination of geodetic reference systems and state map series binding on the territory of the state and the principles of their use, ZABAGED® uses the geodetic reference system of the Unified Trigonometric Cadastral Network (S-JTSK) and the Baltic Vertical Datum - after adjustment (Bpv).
The catalogue is a basic list of ZABAGED® feature types and their attributes. Clearly describes the inclusion of feature types into categories, defines names and meaning, describes their coding, geometric representation, and data source. For each feature type, the structure of database tables is described, in which their non-graphical information - attributes are stored.
The main part of the Catalogue consists of 143 catalogue sheets, each of which is dedicated to one type of feature.
Each sheet contains the following information:
1.1. Feature categories
Features are divided into 8 categories (classes) according to their meaning:
1.2. Feature type
The feature type is an apt verbal name of the monitored element (feature). For each feature type, its serial number within the feature category is also given.
1.3. Feature type code
Each feature type is assigned a code, which is taken from the DIGEST, or ETDB standard. For feature types that did not appear in the above-mentioned standards, their code was chosen by the Land Survey Office.
For feature types characterizing the type of vegetation or land use, the code of derived area type of the feature is given in brackets.
1.4. Feature definition
Feature definition is a brief description of the real appearance and function of the feature, according to which it is classified before insertion into ZABAGED®.
1.5. Geometric feature determination
The geometric feature determination is a method of vector representation of a specific type of feature. The basic geometric representation is area, line, and point. Some feature types can be represented in two ways, in accordance with the size criteria set for each feature type.
For the primary expression of vegetation type or land use characteristics the centroid of area with a clear border line of land use is applied, from which the area feature is then derived (in the catalogue sheet indicated in brackets).
In the Catalogue, the basic geometric representations are divided in more detail into:
1.6. Positional accuracy
It is characterized by the mean positional error of the given feature type. Based on geodetic verification measurements and experience with the evaluation of other types of features on the Orthophoto of the Czech Republic, which is the basic source for updating the planimetric ZABAGED® component, and in accordance with standard ÈSN EN ISO 19157 Data quality, the parameter mean positional error (mp) was determined by selecting from a series of standardized mean positional errors 0.5 m - 1.0 m - 1.5 m - 2.0 m - 5.0 m - 10.0 m.
For features whose geometric presentation is a line, the value of positional accuracy is the length of the perpendicular to this line in the place of interest of the ZABAGED® user, for area features the mean positional error of points on the perimeter of the area.
1.7. Source of geometric and descriptive data
The data source describes ways of obtaining information about the position and characteristics of individual types of features.
For most features, the basic source was ZM 10. Since then, there have been 4 x periodic updates of confrontations with the content of the current Orthophoto of the Czech Republic, verified by field local inspection and in the case of buildings also by taking location data from a digital cadastral map if it corresponds to physical reality. For selected feature types, this update is supplemented by continuously obtained information from external administrators.
As a source to obtain geometric data on the position of new and updated features Orthophoto of the ÈR, or digital stereo photogrammetric processing of aerial survey photographs, exceptionally also geodetic survey within the periodic field inspection, are used. Data from airborne laser scanning have been used since 2013 to refine the geometric position of selected features. Geometric and descriptive attributes of some features are continuously obtained from external administrators (at least once a year) and are contractually provided.
If the position is listed in the Geonames data source, it means that the name of the feature is taken from the Database of geographical names of the Czech Republic Geonames, which is managed by the Land Survey Office.
The field inspection is not just field tour by land surveyors in the territory. It also includes other sources of information, which, however, are not based on contractually agreed cooperation. This is information provided on the Internet, data obtained from various institutions, municipal authorities, companies, etc.
1.8. Attributes
Attributes express possible properties and characteristics of feature types. Each feature has the attribute FID_ZBG - a unique identifier of the feature in ZABAGED®.
Derived feature types (areas whose code starts with the letters NF…) can be created for each publication of ZABAGED® data anew, therefore FID_ZBG of a spatially and attribute-identical derived feature may not be identical in two versions of ZABAGED® data.
In the Catalogue, the following information is provided for each feature type in the section dedicated to attributes:
Attribute name.
Short abbreviation of attribute naming. In the case of code attributes, two attributes are generated that differ in the last place in the name. The attribute with the letter K contains possible code values and the second with the letter P a verbal description of this value.
Data type.
Type NUMBER - number of any type, type VARCHAR2 - text string of variable length, where the number in parentheses indicates the number of places reserved for the given attribute value. For type NUMBER, the second number in parentheses indicates the number of decimal places.
Attribute subject.
A brief description of the selected, monitored property, characteristics of the feature type is set out in the ZÚ.
Attribute values.
1- 100 digit item text, numeric or combined, which is entered directly or selected from a predefined code list. The values in the code lists are taken from the DIGEST standard, from the administrators of other information systems, whose data are used to update ZABAGED®, or added in the ZÚ.
Attribute values, which are taken over from the respective administrators, contain either the properties of the given phenomenon or represent a unique identifier from the administrator's information system and serve as an integration key to the administrator. These are identifiers of watercourses and river basins, numbers of registered roads and motorways, nodal points (road crossings), construction features on roads, designation of line and definition sections of railway lines, codes of territorial units and cadastre areas and more.
Code list value.
Description / meaning of the attribute value.
It represents a verbal expression of the code value in the case of a "code list" attribute or an explanation of the feature type identifier scheme in accordance with the relevant administrator ‘s database.
Some attributes have not yet been filled in, as no agreements have yet been concluded with their administrators on the transfer of this data to ZABAGED®.
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