Feature category: 2. Transport infrastructure
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: aq043, AQ043P
Feature definition:

A separate bridge feature serving pedestrians when overcoming water, or other natural obstacles, as well as when overcoming railway, road or street, as well as product pipelines, pipelines and other artificial obstacles.
Geometric determination of the feature: line or point
Positional accuracy: mp = 2,0 m
Geometric data source: aerial survey photos, orthophoto, field recognition
Descriptive data source: Geonames
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
JMENO VARCHAR2(100) name transferred from Geonames
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
length < 10 m, graphic representation is a point
length ≥ 10 m, graphic representation is a line, when crossing with a two-line watercourse there is always a line
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100))
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail: Jana.Pressova@cuzk.gov.cz; tel: +420 284 041 695)
Content Filling: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.gov.cz | Technical Solution: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.gov.cz, Petr.Cerveny@cuzk.gov.cz