Feature category : 2. Transport infrastructure
Feature type :
(with ordinal number and code)
2.21 METRO STATION (aq127)
Attribute name: STMETRO_P
Attribute description:

Name of metro station.
Attribute subject: code and station name from the current code list of metro stations
Data type: VARCHAR2(50)
Data source:
Original name of attribute: KC_NAZEVSTANICE
H i s t o r y :
Extended web version updated to : 20.02.2025
Contact : Content Guarantor: Jana Pressová (e-mail: Jana.Pressova@cuzk.gov.cz; tel: +420 284 041 695)
Content Filling: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.gov.cz | Technical Solution: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.gov.cz, Petr.Cerveny@cuzk.gov.cz